
OpenCyclingComputer update

OpenCyclingComputer is finally reaching the “road ready” stage:

OpenCyclingComputer, Sep 2018

What works:

  • BLE connection with heart rate sensor. Also automatic re-connection and graceful quiet handling of all errors from bluez stack.
  • BLE connection with speed and cadence sensor. It’s really wheel revolution and cadence sensor, but given wheel size it works as speed sensor.
  • Pressure sensor. Iit will be used as an altimeter in the near future. Coded with Kalman filter
  • Temperature sensor
  • GPS module – I still need to do some debugging here, but the drivers were tested on raspberry A+ and worked great.
  • YAML layouts. It’s very easy to change the default layout – it’s simply a text file + some background images.
  • Saving / reading config file. Also YAML,  so it’s a human editable.
  • “Animated” heart rate and cadence icons showing that the related sensors are “alive” and keep sending notifications.
  • All settings can be edited from the OCC screen

Things that need polishing:

  • Calculating averages (speed, heart rate, etc)
  • Implementing Kalman filters where suitable
  • BLE scanning and selecting devices from the OCC screen
  • Calculating altitude and all related parameters like slope, pressure at sea level and others
  • BLE status icon works, but it doesn’t show exactly what’s happening with the connection
  • Implementing Low Battery warning/shut down (hardware is ready)
  • Improving ride log. Currently the format of the log is hard coded

Code develpoment:

  • defining sensor API for future extensions
  • plugging accelerometer into the current system
  • implementing inertion+gps navigation with multi input Kalman filter
  • code cleaning and refactoring