
OpenSCAD – first battle

My first attempts to use OpenSCAD:

module hc_hexagon(size, height) {
box_width = size/1.75;
for (r = [-60, 0, 60]) rotate([0,0,r]) cube([box_width, size, height],
module hc_column(length, height, cell_size, wall_thickness) {
no_of_cells = floor(1 + length / (cell_size + wall_thickness)) ;
for (i = [0 : no_of_cells]) {
translate([0,(i * (cell_size + wall_thickness)),0])
hc_hexagon(cell_size, height + 1);
module honeycomb (length, width, height, cell_size, wall_thickness) {
no_of_rows = floor(1.75 * length / (cell_size + wall_thickness)) ;
tr_mod = cell_size + wall_thickness;
tr_x = sqrt(3)/2 * tr_mod;
tr_y = tr_mod / 2;
off_x = -1 * wall_thickness / 2;
off_y = wall_thickness / 2;
cube([length, width, height]);
for (i = [0 : no_of_rows]) {
translate([i * tr_x + off_x, (i % 2) * tr_y + off_y, (height) / 2])
hc_column(width, height, cell_size, wall_thickness);
//honeycomb(length, width, height, cell_size, wall_thickness);
honeycomb(140, 80, 20, 5, 1);

ormatting doesn’t look very good in narrow blog, it looks better here: honeycomb.scad

Honeycomb - blender render

P.S. Thanks to help from OpenSCAD forum I have a new, improved & much faster honeycomb script:

module hc_column(length, cell_size, wall_thickness) {
        no_of_cells = floor(length / (cell_size + wall_thickness)) ;

        for (i = [0 : no_of_cells]) {
                translate([0,(i * (cell_size + wall_thickness)),0])
                         circle($fn = 6, r = cell_size * (sqrt(3)/3));

module honeycomb (length, width, height, cell_size, wall_thickness) {
        no_of_rows = floor(1.2 * length / (cell_size + wall_thickness)) ;

        tr_mod = cell_size + wall_thickness;
        tr_x = sqrt(3)/2 * tr_mod;
        tr_y = tr_mod / 2;
        off_x = -1 * wall_thickness / 2;
        off_y = wall_thickness / 2;
        linear_extrude(height = height, center = true, convexity = 10, twist = 0, slices = 1)
                        square([length, width]);
                        for (i = [0 : no_of_rows]) {
                                translate([i * tr_x + off_x, (i % 2) * tr_y + off_y,0])
                                        hc_column(width, cell_size, wall_thickness);

//honeycomb(length, width, height, cell_size, wall_thickness);
honeycomb(140, 80, 20, 5, 1);

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